Nick Morgan is CEO of The Fair, as well as our sister agencies, We Are Placemaking and We Are OPS. Nick, has over 25 years of experience across large-scale Event Production, Licensing and Health & Safety within the public realm, large scale events and festivals.
Nick sits on the NOEA Council (National Outdoor Events Association), is Chair of the UK Events Outdoor Group, Vice-Chair of UK Events, Vice-Chair of AIF (Association of Independent Festivals) and a member of the Festival DCMS Workforce. He strongly believes that the ‘informal events’ industry, an industry that brings in over £5 billion / year, should be championed, developed and supported by the government.
Nick often speaks on topics that include managing growth, independent festivals, the experience economy, government advocacy, placemaking, licensing and health & safety, at industry events including the Event Production Show, LAEOG and The All Parliamentary Group for Events. The independent festival sector is close to Nick’s heart, and The Fair – as one of the largest independent festival production houses in the UK – works across 128 shows from GALA to Eastern Electrics.