Wyatt Rodgers


Wyatt drinks a gallon of effervescent life each day


One-hundred-and-perfection pounds

He misses nothing

Neither the minutiae of his goals

Nor the memories of past loves

He misses nothing

He is everything

He lives in a never ending crescendo

Of utter consonance

Riding upon the fulcrum of jubilance

His circles are expansive and amoebic

His diction shrewd and subtle

His perspicacity is astonishing

Yet comes as no surprise

He works for neither compensation nor fulfillment

However he is exceptionally well-off

His weaknesses are the gold

That backs the currency of his profound authenticity

Never wondering nor wandering in the playground of life

He is an architect of the landscape of human experience

Everything he wants, he manifests

Everything he needs, he already has


David Segall


La Boheme Dancers